Monday, October 17, 2005

Week 3 Resources

  1. This site examines the English Minister Charles Spurgeon's view on war.
  2. Should a Christian Join the Military? by Laurence Vance. This is on the same site and tries to answer the question if a christian should ever join the military.
  3. Pro-War Christians Should Come Clean by Darrell Dow. This article examines what the Christians justification for war in the media have been. It's pretty ridiculous, but this was the representative view of the Christian Right on T.V.
  4. This article tries to point out that the Theocratic Right believe heavily in Theocracy, and are different than Christian Right. So they wage war on secular society, and try to implement a society with all Christian leaders. It is a war on secularism, with the hope of getting God elected in its place.
  5. This site tries to give a theology concerning the logical inconsitencies of Pacifism. Stating that God is not passive, either is Jesus.
  6. This is a wiki site explaining the thought and importance of Yoder. His book The Politics of Jesus is influential to those seeking a Pacifist response to War.
  7. This view of pacifism states that in order for you to be a christian you must be a pacifist, which also means your an anarchist (not in a negative connotation).
  8. This is just a journel entry, but it goes a long way in explaining the roads that we must travel down for sustainable peace.
  9. 10 practices of Just Peacemaking recorded in SojoMail.
  10. Christian Ethicists Advocate Just Peacemaking as Corollary to Just War. This article examines the need for a proactive approach to peace.


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