Friday, October 21, 2005

Concerning Chosen People Ministries

First of all I thought that the lemonade was superb. The overall presentation left me with more questions than actual information. I can only imagine the difficulties of trying to explain the gospel to a peoples who have been so devout to their heritage (telling a Jew that they have a chance for eternal life but that 20 centuries of their ancestors are in hell is not good news). Dr. Dauermann spoke of the commission as being presented to the Jews first, then the Gentiles. Obviously, throughout the scriptures the Jews are God's people, but what does that mean for us today when we are so far removed from this type of thinking? Can we get back to this type of thinking without showing favoritism in the Palestinian/Iraeli battle? Again I do not know enough about the subject to discuss anything with authority. And I don't think the 45 minute lecture on the subject gave me any answers. However, I felt like even in my continued questions I am learning.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Concerning Powers

In our further research there will probably be continuous dialogue between war and peace, Just War and Just Peace, Pacifism and Realism. However, in looking at these various dichotomies, I began to see a real problem in the Powers, which we spoke about in class.

As Loren Cobb, the Quaker Economist says, “peace is seldom threatened by military war between nations, even though these wars receive the most attention in history. The absence of peace is, instead, far more an issue of civil war and local conflict, of urban violence and rural lawlessness, of domestic violence and the abuse and neglect of children. When peace does not exist at the level of families, towns, cities, or ethnic groups, then we have a problem every bit as serious as formal warfare. Peace is a critical attribute that extends across all levels of society, with equal importance at each level.” We must, therefore, question the morality at these institutional levels, especially in the U.S.

One problem with questioning the Powers (military, government, global corporations, etc.) is that we may come across as un-American or traitorous, which in itself shows how successful the state has been in its coercive language. It is of consequence because it shows how aspects of nationalism have crept into our individual belief systems, and how easily the state can become paralleled with our religious beliefs.

Here is an example of a question which might seem to be un-patriotic but needs to be asked… and answered. “If the military exists to defend our freedoms, and does not just function as the force behind an aggressive, interventionist U.S. foreign policy, then why are our troops scattered across 150 different regions of the world? Why doesn’t the military control our borders? Why do we need a Department of Homeland Security if we already have a Department of Defense?”

It is with these eyes that I see the pro-Christian view of war to be most troubling. The article on “Pro-war Christians Should Come Clean” shows the consequences of professed Christians who become aligned with the state. The logic and rhetoric from these people is disturbing because ultimately their hope is in America.

The desire to split groups based on political affiliation also shows how religion can often become aligned with the state. For example, there are Republican strategists who target people of a certain faith as a way to expand the base of their party. Through this base, the religious leaders use the Republican platform to gain dominion over society. Therefore it becomes a fight for political power through a skewed lens of religion. A perfect illustration of this is the Theocratic Right (what is commonly referred to as the Christian Right), who, believe that Christians are mandated to gradually occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns. (It should be noted the Theocratic Right is opposed by many Christians however, and should not be seen as synonymous with Evangelicals. Evangelicals run a wide range of political alliances).

It is my belief that Christians need to take a stand, especially within the structures of our government. However, we need only to look at the pitfalls of becoming aligned with these structures, to see how easily we can drift off course. If we are to be peace-makers we must become active not only on the issues of war, but also in the microstructures of society.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Off the Subject--

I am answering a personal response question for another of my classes. I tried to give this response in class, but was experincing the flu, and when I went to speak, only stupidity and grunts followed. So here is my salvation to the question "What is your view of God and the universe -- How are they connected?" I have so many competing views of God that it is almost impossible to pinpoint a coherent view. It logically follows for me that the universe likewise has various views, each of which I partially subscribe to. As I was saying in class last week, I think that paradox is the only way for me to truly hold all of them together. My mind has never questioned whether God exists, but rather, what difference does it make if God exists. I believe the universe is too complex for there to be any other alternative than it being created. Exactly how, well, I’ll leave that up to people who study science. I have read Debski’s book on Intelligent Design, no conclusions. I took a course on astronomy and the anthropic principle, and have more questions than solutions. I believe in the Big Bang theory and that the universe is expanding and will eventually run its course. However, my thoughts are only on these things when asked “what do you think about the universe?” (Otherwise, I am thinking about the philosophy of the Big Lebowski) Paradoxically, I think that man is an anomaly. That within structures of almost infinite size and complexity, there lies a very simple, yet equally complex person. (The movie Powers of Ten by the Eames’ is a good example of this) To look at man in this scope is jaw-dropping for me. I am at a place right now which is all at once profound, yet childishly simplistic. How are these competing views of science/universe/man able to co-exist? Christ. So instead of throwing science out for religion, or religion for science, or humanism for science and religion, I conclude that they are connected. Truths are not built upon foundations, but a sort of web, such as Thomas Kuhn defends, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in which he presented the idea that science does not evolve gradually toward truth, but instead undergoes periodic revolutions which he calls "paradigm shifts." I think this is also the case for practical truth in our lives and our worldviews.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Week 3 Resources

  1. This site examines the English Minister Charles Spurgeon's view on war.
  2. Should a Christian Join the Military? by Laurence Vance. This is on the same site and tries to answer the question if a christian should ever join the military.
  3. Pro-War Christians Should Come Clean by Darrell Dow. This article examines what the Christians justification for war in the media have been. It's pretty ridiculous, but this was the representative view of the Christian Right on T.V.
  4. This article tries to point out that the Theocratic Right believe heavily in Theocracy, and are different than Christian Right. So they wage war on secular society, and try to implement a society with all Christian leaders. It is a war on secularism, with the hope of getting God elected in its place.
  5. This site tries to give a theology concerning the logical inconsitencies of Pacifism. Stating that God is not passive, either is Jesus.
  6. This is a wiki site explaining the thought and importance of Yoder. His book The Politics of Jesus is influential to those seeking a Pacifist response to War.
  7. This view of pacifism states that in order for you to be a christian you must be a pacifist, which also means your an anarchist (not in a negative connotation).
  8. This is just a journel entry, but it goes a long way in explaining the roads that we must travel down for sustainable peace.
  9. 10 practices of Just Peacemaking recorded in SojoMail.
  10. Christian Ethicists Advocate Just Peacemaking as Corollary to Just War. This article examines the need for a proactive approach to peace.